Democracy & Z

Logo design by Yoni Lee, of Elementz

Democracy & Z is a student podcast, developed in collaboration with our friends at Elementz.

The podcast features young people from communities across our listening area, sharing their unique Gen-Z perspective on issues like immigration, racial justice, educational inequality, and the environment, with occasional takes on pop culture.


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Democracy & Z

What does it mean to be an American–and where do I fit in?

What are my rights, my duties, my dreams? As another generation comes of age and (soon) heads to the ballot box, all the tough, eternal questions are getting surprising new answers. Listen in on some real talk between members of Cincinnati’s own Generation Z: smart teens and young adults who are already stepping up in their communities and defining citizenship for themselves.

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Students who wish to participate in Democracy & Z, either on-air or behind the scenes, should send a brief statement of interest and availability (list any after-school conflicts) to Julie Coppens:

Please include your full name, age, school, phone number, and contact info for a parent or guardian who can give permission for you to take part.


  1. thank you for this opportunity that you give young people to say what they feel or give them an opportunity to show their talent so that others follow their example and that they provide advice that we all need to hear in these confusing times

  2. Thanks for this terrific podcast – it is tremendous to see a place for young people to share their perspectives and speak to all of us.

    I wanted to share a fascinating thing that arrived in my email this morning. It is 20 minute play addressing the history of voting from the perspective of 1956, written by Langston Hughes and performed by college students in 2020.

    perhaps some of you will find it as compelling as I did.

  3. Political Podcasts as Educational Tools
    Response #3
    This was my favorite article so far. I love the idea of empowering students and giving them the opportunity and responsibility of creating a pod cast is such a great idea that will give them a sense of importance and purpose. When the students make a podcast, they are using their voice. Also could be a voice for other students to hear LOUD because it’s a peer instead of a teacher/adult/politician teaching them.

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