Want to Know More about the Russia-Ukraine War? Here are Some Helpful Resources for Families, Schools and the Community

In this photo taken from video provided by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, Russian army tanks are loaded onto railway platforms to move back to their permanent base after drills in Russia. Russia says it is returning more troops and weapons to bases, but NATO says it sess no sign of a drawdown as fears that Moscow could invade Ukraine soon persist. Russia has massed about 150,000 troops east, north and south of Ukraine. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)

Dr. David Childs, D.D., Ph.D.
Northern Kentucky University

Confused about what is going on with the war in Ukraine? Here are five things that will give you a better idea of how things are unfolding. We are also including extensive resources for teaching and learning about the war in Ukraine. This information comes primarily from the University of Colorado Boulder’s online news site CU Boulder Today  from an article entitled 5 things you need to know about the Russia-Ukraine war. Please read a republishing of the five items outlined by the University of Colorado, coupled with the resources and lessons listed at the end of this article to get a more in depth understanding of the conflict.

A woman holds a sign reading “We are stronger than he thinks”
during Saturday’s demonstration in Vienna against the Russian
invasion of Ukraine. Alex Halada/AFP Via Getty Images

From 5 Things You Need to Know about the Russia-Ukraine War

Putin’s motives are unclear, but it’s unlikely he’ll back down
Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine befuddled Russia experts because it didn’t make strategic sense, Hutchinson said. Erin Hutchinson Erin Hutchinson “Even Russia-based Russia experts were confused because it doesn’t seem like a good strategic decision,” she said. “We don’t understand what is going on in Putin’s head right now.” Russian President Vladimir Putin has made many claims justifying the invasion: that Ukraine was committing genocide against Russians; that Ukraine is not an independent nation but rather a part of Russia; that the invasion was an “act of self-defense” against the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). “Putin is really reviving these old Imperial myths that there’s no such thing as a Ukrainian nation and it’s all just one big Russian nation,” Hutchinson said. What does seem to be the case is that Russians are ramping up attacks against civilians—they’re moving toward a strategy like Chechnya. It does not appear that Putin has any intention of backing down.

The unintended outcome: Europe, Ukraine comes together
The invasion has also had an unintended effect: Instead of creating divisions within Ukraine and among European countries, people and nations have actually come together, the panelists said. John O’Loughlin John O’Loughlin O’Loughlin pointed out that the Russian government believed Ukraine would easily submit to a Russian invasion, noting the Ukrainian people have faced significant economic hardship—a recent survey showed 44% of Ukrainians could not afford their utility bills. It’s clear Putin didn’t expect a large Ukrainian resistance. “[Putin’s] long-term strategy is clearly not going to work given the opposition in Ukraine and the outside support,” O’Loughlin said. Rather than weakening NATO as Putin may have intended, the invasion could wind up giving that alliance new relevancy. “It’s really hard to see, without NATO disbanding, how Putin would not have used [NATO] as some sort of Western Boogeyman that had to be defeated,” Sohkey said. “What Putin may have accomplished very unintentionally is unifying Europe and getting more European countries into NATO,” she said. Six European Union nations—Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden—are not NATO members.

A woman and a child, along with other refugees from Ukraine,
wait in the ticket hall of the railway station in Przemysl in eastern
Poland.Wojtek Radwanski/AFP via Getty Images

Most Russians didn’t want this to happen
In December 2021, reliable survey data out of Russia showed only 8% of Russians thought the country should send military forces to fight the Ukrainian government, and only 6% thought Russia should approach the West as an enemy. Even so, 75% still believed NATO was a risk to Russia. “The data shows Russians didn’t think the West should be viewed as an enemy, but they did see some basis to the foreign policy that Putin was likely pursuing,” Sohkey said. Since the invasion began, protests have occurred around Russia. Sohkey said the Russian government is clearly worried about protests since it has deployed riot police to break up those events. “The most recent estimates I’ve seen is that maybe closer to 6,000 people have been arrested in protest and at least 51 cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, have had anti-war protests,” Sohkey said. Additionally, the protests now are less about Soviet legacy and more about loss of life in Ukraine, and that Russia is cut off from the world as a result of the recent economic sanctions.

Long-term effects of sanctions are still unclear
The West has imposed three major economic sanctions against Russia: The first froze assets by Russian elites held in Western banks; the second excluded Russia from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a messaging system that connects thousands of financial institutions across the globe; the third imposed restrictions upon the Russian Central Bank, effectively financially cutting off Russia from the United States. “SWIFT has sometimes been called the ‘nuclear option,’” Bearce said, noting the move also significantly impacts everyday Russians because it affects almost all financial transactions made in the country. “The exclusion from the SWIFT network is going to have potentially very large effects on Russian society.” Bearce added, however, that research shows sanctions generally aren’t effective, particularly because sanctions also harm the sanctioning country (which is why the United States has seen oil prices skyrocket). But when coupled with other policies, research shows sanctions can be effective. Bearce said an example of this could be if the West heavily arms the Ukrainian opposition, which would draw out the war and further hinder the Russian economy. “If sanctions are going to be effective, this is a really big deal. It’s not just about getting Russia out of Ukraine but also about implications for the Russian State.”

What can Americans do?
Sitting an ocean away can make Americans feel helpless in the war against Ukraine. Panelists offered tips on how the CU Boulder community and the United States at large can help: Distinguish between Putin and the Russians: Do not take this out on the Russian people, many of whom do not agree with the war. Donate to help refugees in the region: Places like Moldova are not rich countries and are receiving an influx of refugees. As of March 1, the U.N. has estimated more than 600,000 have fled Ukraine. Be willing to pay higher gas prices: Sanctions are not going to hurt Russia unless they hurt at home. Call your local representatives and let them know how much this matters to you.”

Some of the major sins of our time in the US is that of apathy, indifference and a lack of empathy and concern about others besides ourselves. As many people in the US and other countries around the world sit in the comfort of their own homes and live in a stable society with intact infrastructure, there are those in Ukraine and other war zones that are fearing for their lives. Individuals and families lost their homes and even entire neighborhoods, as well as their livelihood and way of life in a matter of days, weeks or months. Below we have included resources for families, homeschoolers, and public and private schools that will give teachers and students a much deeper grounding and understanding of the war in Ukraine and some history behind it. Enjoy.

Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans
Teaching Resources for Discussing the Conflict in Ukraine
7 Sites and Sources for Teaching About Ukraine
Teaching Resources to Help Students Make Sense of the War in Ukraine
Classroom Resources to Teach about War in Ukraine
10 Resources for Teaching About the War in Ukraine
Educator Resources on the Crisis in Ukraine
The Invasion of Ukraine: Resources for Educators and Families
8 Resources Teachers Are Using to Discuss Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Teaching About the War in Ukraine
Ukraine Crisis Lesson Plan- Brown University
Resources to help navigate students through the war in Ukraine
Resources for Teaching About the Russia-Ukraine Crisis and for Supporting the Ukraine People
Lesson Plan- War in Ukraine (British Red Cross)
List of Teaching Resources to Discuss Ukraine Conflict- Harvard University
Resources to Discuss the Events in Ukraine- San Mateo County Office of Education
Discussing the war in Ukraine with students- Teach It
Teaching the War in Ukraine: Resources Recommended by Educators


  1. I thought this article was very interesting and insightful. After the elections, it was hard for me to keep up with politics and what was going on because everyone seemed to have different opinions about everything, so it was hard to see what was true and what wasn’t. I appreciate how this article states the facts, and does not show bias. This article has made me more knowledgable about what is happening in Ukraine. As a teacher it is important to know what is going on, so reading articles like this, as well as using the resources to educate yourself really impact the way you teach your students. Hopefully when I am a teacher my students will not have to worry about the war and it ends soon, however that doesn’t seem too likely, so it is important to know what is happening so you can teach your students about current events, and maybe how they could even help. For example, students could make care packages for Ukraine soldiers or refugees, or they could find a penpal they could write to in Ukraine, so they can read a first hand experience of what someone their age might be going through right now.

  2. I wanted to read this article because there is a refugee from Ukraine who just joined the class that I am placed in. I wanted to read more about the Russia-Ukraine War to be able to understand this child more who is going through something that nobody should have to experience, especially that young of a child. One thing that I was surprised by in the article was that Ukraine was already going through a significant economic hardship. I was stunned that 44% of Ukrainians could not afford to pay their utilities. This article was wrote in April and I am just now hearing about this in October. It is so sad because I feel like that shows that hardship that Ukrainians were already experience and now you add war on top of it. My heart goes out to those who have been affected by this war because nobody deserves to deal with this type of situation.

  3. This was very interesting to read because I do not know that much about the recent Russia-Ukraine War; I am not super up-to-date with politics and news or other things like that. I did not know before reading this that so many Russians were against the war. As much as I agree with cutting ties with Russia, it does hurt to have oil prices so high right now. Contrary to what the article states, hopefully, Putin soon puts an end to this war and the tragedy happening in Ukraine. I feel that violence should be avoided at all costs if possible.

  4. This was a very interesting article to read about the war happening between Russia and Ukraine! I have been very interested in this topic ever since Russia invaded Ukraine and have tried to keep up to date on what is happening over there. I did not know before reading this that so many Russians were against the war. As much as I agree with cutting ties with Russia, it does hurt to have oil prices so high right now. Contrary to what the article states, hopefully Putin soon puts an end to this war and the tragedy happening in Ukraine!

  5. I found this article very informative and especially liked how it pointed out that we should not take anything out on the Russian people. I think that especially people here in the U.S who immigrated years ago from Russia should not be seen as “the enemy”. Most Russians did not want this to happen and protesting about the loss of life in Ukraine which can be especially dangerous doing so in their own country. Russia is under economic sanctions which causes a separation from the rest of the world, and this also causes hardship for Russian people who do not want this war. Putin believes in old Imperial myths which do not see the Ukraine as a nation but as a part of Russia which he is trying to win back, and it appears that he just cannot accept that the Soviet Union fell in 1991. The long-term effect of this war is still unclear but without a doubt will change the view of many and causes damage for generation to come. Sadly, it had to be a war that unintentionally caused Europe and the Ukraine to come together and Europe to gain more European countries into NATO. Yes, our gas prizes have gone up tremendously, but it is a small prize to pay in comparison of the suffering that is going on in the Ukraine.

  6. Russia and Ukraine War
    It is very interesting that Russia-based Russia experts are confused on President Putin’s strategy. Have we ever considered we may be confused because the strategy is beyond our war strategy knowledge? As Hutchinson stated, “Putin is really reviving these old Imperial myths that there’s no such thing as a Ukrainian nation and it’s all just one big Russian nation.” I believe we must look back to 1991 and even further back 70 years from there to really grasps the understanding of why President Putin believes Ukraine is a Nation created by Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. As for what Americans can do, there are plenty of private sectors that are operating out of Poland and Romania that I have personally worked with in a different setting. An example is Aerial Recovery, who are based out of Nashville, TN and are currently on ground in Poland helping refugees cross the border and are taking donations from Americans and Europeans to help supple these people with food, water and shelter. As for being willing to pay higher gas prices, I ask why we not reopen the Keystone Pipeline, so that our citizens do not suffer from soaring gas prices as a repercussion of our sanctions during our inflation crisis.

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