Dr. David J. Childs, D.D., Ph.D.
Northern Kentucky University
The world has been forever shaped by the global pandemic. As a result, we have had to make major adjustments in how we do things. The pandemic has impacted businesses and organizations and the way they operate, including restaurants, grocery stores, trucking companies, the meat packing industry and even education.
Educators in general (K-12 and at the university level) have been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Teachers now more than ever need resources that will help them navigate the challenges that present themselves as a result of the pandemic. One major challenge has been that teachers have had to shift their curriculum to an online environment, or in many cases they have to teach both online and in person.
Woman Teaching Online
From: https://apuedge.com/5-tips-to-landing-your-first-online-teaching-job/
“As teachers, students, and families enter an uncertain school year with new routines, both in-person and virtual, PBS LearningMedia offers this special collection of flexible resources to support learning from anywhere. Find videos, self-paced Interactive lessons, printable activities, and more.” Teachers can browse the PBS “distance learning broadcast schedules aligned with PBS LearningMedia resources.” These resources can be found on the page entitled PreK-12 Resources for New School Routines, it offers a number of resources that can help teachers successfully teach online.
One great idea from the PBS Learning Media site is entitled Learn Along Bingo Packets. “These bilingual, weekly Learn Along Bingo packets for elementary teachers…include a range of thematic learning opportunities for children to choose their own learning adventures. Check out these other resources for teaching online from Democracy and Me. One is an article entitled Suddenly Home-Schooling? Here’s Help and another is entitled Incredible Online Museum Resources for Teachers. Both sites contain a numbers of resources and teaching activities for educators who find themselves teaching online.
I choose this article because as a student that graduated the year of covid, I struggled so much with transitioning to everything being online. When the pandemic hit it was very hard for me to learn and I didn’t learn much. In the article it states, “One major challenge has been that teachers have had to shift their curriculum to an online environment, or in many cases they have to teach both online and in person.” I think that teachers during this time struggled a lot and especially students because a lot of people can’t learn from online. I remember when I did the work I would just do it and get it done and not learn much at all and I remember a lot of it being busy work. I also like how this article gave resources and it was very interesting.