The producers of the 94th Academy Awards—airing at 8 p.m. this Sunday on ABC—hope a new “Fan Favorite” award, celebrating popular hits like Cinderella and Spider-Man: No Way Home, will entice Gen Z to tune into the three-hour trophy show. Maybe? Can you give Encanto some love while you’re at it? But we really wish Hollywood took teens, especially Black and Brown teens, more seriously: we’re smart, we’re globally aware, we carry our entertainment with us wherever we go, and we’re not satisfied with most of what you’re marketing to us. Do better, and we might keep watching. Joining us for this special movie-themed episode is our good friend TT Stern-Enzi, film critic for Fox 19 and artistic director of the Over-the-Rhine Film Festival.
The podcasters:
Robert Thikkurissy (host), University of Cincinnati, Transition & Access Program
Pawan Rai, Aiken New Tech H.S.
Joyeuse Muhorakeye, Aiken H.S.
Lael Ingram, Walnut Hills H.S.
with guest film critic TT Stern-Enzi
Conversation recorded on Zoom March 13, 2022
Oscars smartphone illustration by Jimmy Tudeschi/Shutterstock
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