News flash: We love Halloween.
For kids who’ve often felt out-of-step with mainstream American culture, maybe not 100 percent comfortable in our own skins, the chance to dress up, be someone else, roam the neighborhood after dark like so many feral cats and get free candy for our trouble—what could be better?
Now that we’re older and wiser, the season does bring up issues of cultural appropriation vs. appreciation, the importance of respect for those who choose not to celebrate Halloween, as well as opportunities to care for the less fortunate among us, as the days get shorter, colder, and pumpkin-spicier.
We unwrap it all in this special episode.
The podcasters:
- Robert Thikkurissy (host), University of Cincinnati, Transition & Access Program
- Kylie Bridgeman, Walnut Hills H.S.
- Andres Vargas, Aiken H.S.
Conversation recorded on Zoom Oct. 19, 2021, and edited by Zeratul Bryan, Taft IT H.S