CET and Urban Consulate Seeking Student Voices

Students and a teacher from Woodward H.S. at a June 19, 2020 protest for equity in education. Photo by Julie Coppens, Democracy & Me

Our friends at CET Public Television and the Urban Consulate are looking for some student-created selfie videos on the topic of educational equity, for an upcoming event at the Mercantile Library—so, an opportunity for our youth to speak truth to power! But the deadline to contribute is approaching fast.

Here are the questions for students to address in their videos:

Please share with us your name, your education level and school that you are/will be attending, or have just graduated from.

How do you feel about your COVID school experience? What did you gain? 

What questions would you want to ask those in policy making decision seats? What suggestions do you have for those individuals?

How do you speak with your teachers and friends about race?

When you consider equity—making sure everyone has what they need—what’s your dream for your school?

What does joy at school look like for you?

What does an equitable education system look like in Cincinnati to you?

What do you most look forward to in the coming school year?

And here are instructions for filming. Please upload all video to dropbox via this link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/G8VATRELZTh34b85kzGA