What is a Journalist?
A journalist gathers and presents news and information that you can use to make better decisions about your life and community. Part of a journalist’s job is to objectively research and report on events that the public wants and needs to know about. As an independent monitor, journalism serves as a watchdog over those whose power and position most affect citizens. A free press is important to maintaining a vital democracy in the United States.
Democracy and Me presents A Conversation About Journalism featuring WVXU reporters Tana Weingartner and Howard Wilkinson and Caroline Horvath and Nick Robertson, student reporters from Walnut Hills High School. Caroline and Nick interview the veteran reporters about their work and careers as journalists to provide insight into journalism as a possible career choice. They also address the topics of traditional media versus new media and best practices for consuming media from a wide base of reporting.
A Conversation About Journalism was produced by Seven/Seventy-Nine, Ltd. – 779video.com.